Franco Harris defends Paterno, McQueary, blasts trustees

CBS SPORTS: Former Pittsburgh Steelers running back and Penn State alum Franco Harris blasted the school’s Board of Trustees for its decision to fire Joe Paterno and defended Mike McQueary, according to the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

“I feel that the board made a bad decision in letting Joe Paterno go,” Harris told the Tribune-Review’s Kevin Gorman. “I’m very disappointed in their decision. I thought they showed no courage, not to back someone who really needed it at the time. They were saying the football program under Joe was at fault.

“They really wouldn’t give a reason. They’re linking the football program to the scandal and, possibly, the cover-up. That’s very disturbing to me. I think there should be no more connection to the football program, only in the case that it happened at the football building with an ex-coach. I’m still trying to find out who gave him access to the building, who signed that contract.” … (more)
