Forty-four percent of 15- to 17-year-old boys and 39% of girls of that age engage in some kind of sex


… The research shows that one in four teens is now having oral sex before vaginal sex — marking the “hierarchical reordering of oral sex in American culture,” says Justin Garcia, an evolutionary biologist with the Kinsey Institute at Indiana University

The new figures suggest that sex education programs need to directly address oral sex as well as vaginal intercourse, says Craig Roberts, an epidemiologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s University Health Services department and a member of the American College Health Association.

There’s no such thing as totally “safe sex,” Roberts says, though oral sex reduces pregnancy risk to zero and HIV risk to almost nothing. But he notes that people who perform or receive oral sex are still at risk for other sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, gonorrhea and chlamydia…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Syringe exchanges provide ‘oral dams’ as well as condoms as a way of combatting the spread of diseases.  It is especially important that sex workers utilize them.  Due to the refusal of Lancaster General Hospital to help support the syringe exchange proposed by the Urban League, there is no syringe exchange in Lancaster.
