Former President Bill Clinton endorses Pennsylvania Democratic attorney general candidate Kathleen Kane


…In a statement issued on Monday, [former President Bill Clinton] praised Kane, a former deputy district attorney in Lackawanna County, as being “smart and tough.” He also expressed his hope that she will become the state’s first female elected attorney general.

Clinton, one of Arkansas’ former attorney general, said, “The attorney general can have an enormous positive impact, so it’s important to elect someone who understands how to use the office and the legal system to protect and advance the lives of Pennsylvanians. Kathleen Kane would make a great attorney general.” …

Franklin & Marshall College political scientist G. Terry Madonna said Clinton is the go-to guy for Democrats who want a big-name endorsement. “How much it will help depends on how effective she can use the endorsement,” he said. “If he can help her raise money, that’s a big deal.”

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR: Given the unpopularity of Gov. Tom Corbett both as the former attorney general and now governor, the liklihood of a Democrat being elected attorney general looms large. It also could bode well for the Democrats in their attempt to recapture the governship in 2014.

Hopefully Kane is a candidate that won’t play the usual ‘footsies’ with both political parties in preparation for her own ultimate run to become governor.   She has pledged not to run for another political office while serving as attorney general.   To his discredit but obvious benefit, Corbett refused to relinquish the AG office until his term ran out .
