Former Harrisburg official slams $86M premium for city from incinerator sale

HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS: …Those numbers are based, in part, on the city’s disposal rate starting next year at $190 per ton, former Harrisburg Public Works Director Ernie Hoch said.

Hoch sent a letter and supporting spreadsheet to City Council on Sunday afternoon lobbying them to vote against the transaction, then forwarded copies to other contacts including PennLive and City Controller and mayoral candidate Dan Miller, who sent his own cautionary correspondence last week.

Hoch noted the rates and tonnage minimums for the city and Dauphin County are based not on service costs, but the Lancaster Solid Waste Management Authority’s anticipated debt obligations related to its acquisition of the facility… (more)

EDITOR: The wildly inflated price that the Lancaster Authority is paying is a rotten deal for both Harrisburg and Lancaster. The only benefiaries are the Harrisburg creditors who are getting most, if not all, of their money back; Gov. Tom Corbett who ubndoubtedly will be rewarded with campaign contributions; and the ego of one Jim Warner who gets to play trash czar. Harrisburg should have entered bankruptcy court where justice would have been done for all of the parties.
