Former Corbett aide significantly cut email keeping rule

PITTSBURGH POST-TRIBUNE: Former Acting Attorney General William H. Ryan Jr., a top aide to Tom Corbett when the governor was attorney general, changed the period for retaining the office’s emails from five years to six months, according to a document released on Friday by Attorney General Kathleen Kane.

The revelation was disclosed as Kane reviews whether Corbett’s investigation of serial predator Jerry Sandusky was slowed for political purposes. It took almost three years until Sandusky’s arrest in November 2011 — 11 months after Corbett became governor…

Asked whether Corbett suggested that he change the policy, Ryan said, “No.” He said he acted on the recommendation of an information technology officer whom he did not name… (more)


1 Comment

  1. In this day and age there is no acceptable reason to delete emails after 6 months, except to hide damaging or illegal activities.

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