Former CIA Analyst: Oswald Linked to Cuban Intelligence Before JFK Assassination

NEWSMAX: Lee Harvey Oswald had closer ties to Cuba’s intelligence agency in the months before his fatal shooting of John F. Kennedy than previously known, according to a new book by a former CIA analyst.

Furthermore, the CIA lied about its knowledge of those ties to the Warren Commission that was tasked with investigating the crime, according to Brian Latell, the CIA’s national intelligence officer for Latin America from 1990 to 1994 and author of the book “Castro’s Secrets: Cuban Intelligence, the CIA, & the Assassination of John F. Kennedy,” due out on July 9.

Cuba also hid what it knew about Oswald, writes Latell, citing a CIA wiretap of a conversation between two Cuban secret service agents he uncovered in declassified archives… (more)

EDITOR: Many of our generation remain intrigued over who killed JFK. None of us will forget where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news. The emotional impact on us was comparable to what 9 /11 has been for the current generations.

Was it the Chicago Mafia? The Teamsters? The Cubans? Perhaps even friends of LBJ? But there are some truths that were best left untold, especially during the height of the Cold War and shortly after the Cuban Missile Crisis.

If Fidel Castro was involved, it explains our government’s implacable and seemingly irrational unwillingness to deal with Cuba so long as he or his brother are alive and in charge.
