Forget about the “1%.” Top “0.1% pulling ahead more

USA TODAY: The “top 1%” might be the primary target of the masses’ ire and envy, but it’s actually the top 0.1% who are grabbing a bigger slice of wealth.

The average household in the top 1% pulled in earnings of $1,264,065 in 2012, according to a just-released analysis by investment firm Sadoff Investment Research. That’s 41 times greater than the $30,997 average income of Americans.

But even the top 1% can’t keep up with the top 0.1%, which posted average earnings of $6,373,782, or 206 times the average families’ income, Sadoff found… (more)

EDITOR: So one in a thousand households has earnings of $6,373,782. If we look at one in 10,000, that figures jumps into the $20 millions. Unfortunately we cannot quickly find the number, although we have seen it and reported on it before. At the very top, some liek Warren Buffet (three billion last year) earn a billion or more. Moreover, due to capital gains and tax loopholes, they get to keep three quarters of it.
