F&M Withdraws Charges Against Ron Harper, Jr.

What may be a first step in an orchestrated attempt to avoid colossal punitive damages resulting from anticipated law suits by Ron Harper, Jr. and Chris Hart-Nibbrig against the college, Franklin & Marshall College has notified Harper, Co-Publisher of the Lancaster Post, that the college has “withdrawn the citations issued to you on June 3, 2008. The College does not anticipate amending or re-issuing the citations unless other facts come to light that would warrant such an action.”

The letter adds “Although the charges have been dropped, the defiant trespass notice remains in effect for College property. We ask you to honor it and please leave John Fry and his family alone at their home.”

It continues “John Fry never contacted the district attorney to influence the prosecution of the Franklin & Marshall students, as you wrote. This was a false accusation.”

The letter was signed by Nancy Collins, Vice President for College Communications.
