Florida House passes medical marijuana legislation

MIAMI HERALD: The Florida House confounded the naysayers and agreed to legalize a limited strain of marijuana for a specific list of medical purposes, bringing the last-chance remedy closer to reality for thousands of Floridians suffering with epilepsy.

As the families of children with intractable epilepsy watched from the public gallery, the House voted 111-7 and sent a compromise bill to the Senate, which is expected to approve it and send it to the governor Friday, the final day of the legislative session. Gov. Rick Scott surprised supporters and told reporters late Thursday that if they pass it, he will sign it.

The House vote came after 45 minutes of emotional debate as legislators from both sides of the aisle spoke about their initial reluctance to support the bill only to be persuaded after realizing it was narrowly drawn and had immediate potential to save lives… (more)

EDITOR: But here in Pennsylvania, Gov. Tom Corbett opposes medical marijuana in disregard of those who would benefit from its use.
