Federal spending bill gives Minnesota’s medical marijuana business some peace of mind

MINNESOTA STAR TRIBUNE: …In its current form, the $1.1 trillion spending bill includes a section that bans the Department of Justice from using federal funds to intervene in states with medical marijuana laws.

“That would help reduce a bunch of anxiety,” said Manny Munson-Regala, the state official leading the buildup of Minnesota’s medical cannabis program. It would assuage some concerns not just for the state and its two manufacturers, but for bankers and landlords worried about getting involved in the medical marijuana business…

Twenty-three states have legalized medical marijuana, but those measures still conflict with federal law. And though the Obama administration has generally been friendlier to marijuana than administrations past, Munson-Regala wondered: What if that changes? Or a new president changes course? … (more)


1 Comment

  1. The spending bill does not legalize medical marijuana but prohibits the Department of Justice from spending money to prosecute medical marijuana in state’s that have allowed medical use. The law lists specific states. Progress continues!

    K. Z.

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