Farm Bill includes provision allowing states and universities to grow hemp for research

OREGONLIVE: The U.S. Senate and House conference committee on the Farm Bill tonight released its report, which includes an amendment allowing colleges, universities and state agriculture departments to grow hemp for research purposes….

“Oregonians have made it clear that they believe industrial hemp should be treated as an agricultural commodity, not a drug,” [U.S. Rep. Earl ] Blumenauer said in an email to The Oregonian. “By including language easing restrictions on industrial hemp in states where it is legal, Congress sends an important message that we are ready to examine hemp in a more appropriate way.”…

Countries that allow hemp production today sanction a select list of well-established strains that have been bred to have exceptionally low tetrahydrocannabinol, marijuana’s psychoactive property. Canada and European countries cap hemp’s THC level at less than .3 percent… (more)

EDITOR: Nevertheless, it will still remain illegal to do research on marijuana. Past research authorized by the federal government showed it relatively benign when compare with alcohol and tobacco.
