F & M contributes 1/3 of exempt real estate taxes

NewsLanc asked the City of Lancaster what Franklin and Marshall College was voluntarily paying towards real estate taxes that, if not exempt, would be levied on F & M’s properties.

The response from Patrick S. Hopkins, Business Administrator, is 33% for the past year, provided the value of what F & M considers to be “services in kind” is taken into account. Below is an excerpt from Hopkin’s response:

“Tax-exempt parcels owned by Franklin and Marshall College and their respective [county] assessments… The Mayor’s request to all tax-exempt property owners in 2008 was to make a contribution of 33% of what their tax bill would be. For Franklin and Marshall College, this amount is $161,200. From this amount, we deducted the approx. $44,655 value that F&M places on the in-kind services it provides annually in maintenance services at Buchanan Park. The remainder, $116,545, is what F&M agreed to pay as their 2008 PILOT. F&M made this payment in October 2008.”
