Expanded PAM Campus Key to Downtown Upsurge

The ultimate attractiveness and prosperity of downtown Lancaster depends far more on the expansion of the Pennsylvania Academy of Music (PAM) and facilitating of upscale flats than the $200 million Convention Center Project.

There can be no question of the pure intentions and devotion to the community of those supporting PAM.

NewsLanc salutes the officers of the Board of Trustees: Paul W. Ware, Chair; Ely Gonick, Vice Chair; Ronald Fink, Secretary/Treasurer; Michael Jamanis, President; Frances Veri, Dean.

Other distinguished members of the Trustees are Robert Falk, Jr, M. D; J. Gary Langmuir; Georgina Russo; Dorothy Lyet; Gregg Marco; Margaret Neff; Caroline Steinman Nunan; Michael O’Day; John Reardon; William Regitz; W. John Soost; David Weston, M. D; Willie Ruff.

The benefits of the expenditure of around $30 million dollars in private and public funds on a signature building can only be fully realized if it is the core of a campus serving outstanding high school music students from across the nation and around the world.

This will require dormitories, cafeterias, practice rooms, communal areas, recreational facilities and possibly an additional concert hall. We need not look far to find the ideal facility: The Brunswick Hotel!

The Brunswick has struggled throughout the decades due to a lack of downtown hotel business but is ideally suited to be a key part of the PAM campus.

Not only is there an adjoining former movie theater, but it has over 200 guest rooms, vast meeting and banquet areas, restaurants, an indoor pool and adjoining parking.

Furthermore, PAM could start off with one or two floors as dormitories and gradually expand into the entire facility.

NewsLanc encourages PAM Trustees to evaluate the acquisition of the Brunswick. And as an expression of our belief in the potential of an expanded PAM, NewsLanc pledges a hundred thousand dollar donation for this worthy purpose.
