Everybody gets a ‘rake off’

In response to “Saving Mexico”


This is another opportunity for our dear friend in China to buy some more prison bonds from our prison for profit.

Let face it, prison bonds are one of the USA’s most profitable exports, and we just committed 30,000 more troops to protect the world’s largest opium field and some of the best cannabis and hash in the world. This is a great stimulus to help the gun runners sell gun in Mexico. After all, this has always been a way to keep Black and Mexicans in their place and it been going on now for 70 plus years.

If [drugs] were legal, look at all the paychecks that get cut: The cops make their collars. The bail bondsmen get their rake off. The prosecutors make their cases. The social workers write up their interviews. The clerks push their papers. The lawyers collect their fees. The judges render their verdicts. The prison guards make their rounds. The vendors sell their baloney sandwiches. The construction firms build their additions. And the shrinks nod their heads.
