End-of-Life Treatment… Was It Worth It?

From the Bloomberg

It was some time after midnight on Dec. 8, 2007, when Dr. Eric Goren told me my husband might not live till morning.

The kidney cancer that had metastasized almost six years earlier was growing in his lungs. He was in intensive care at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, and had begun to spit blood…

Should Terence begin to hemorrhage, the doctor asked, what should he do? …

Keep him alive if you can, I said. Let’s see what the drug, Sutent, can do.

Terence died six days later, on Friday, Dec. 14, 2007…

In just the last four days of trying to keep him alive — two in intensive care, two in a cancer ward — our insurance was charged $43,711 for doctors, medicines, monitors, X-rays and scans. Two years later, the only thing I know for certain that money bought was confirmation that he was dying…

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