Election 2012: Fundraising Year-End Totals Reveal Obama Record, GOP Disparity, Rich Super PACs


On Tuesday’s deadline, the latest quarterly fundraising reports poured into the Federal Election Commission and out to the public from candidate campaigns and super PACs. Observers could finally compare money totals for the last quarter of 2011 and the full pre-election year.

The flood of cash advanced three story lines: President Barack Obama and the Democrats have broken another fundraising record, the Mitt Romney campaign is far outpacing its competitors, and the relatively new vehicles known as super PACs are a powerful new force in the campaign money race…

As 2008 was the year of the small donor contacted and engaged over the Internet, 2012 is set to be the year of the mega-donor. Millionaires, billionaires and their corporate entities are lining up to give $250,000 to $1 million, or more, to super PACs created to help their favored candidate or position. With the money that has already flooded into the Republican primary, super PACs have routinely outspent candidate campaigns on television advertising in the early-voting states…

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