EDITORIAL: Conspiracy theory or blame the victim?

In his weekly column headed “A theory on conspiracy”, Sunday News Editor Marv Adams heaps ridicule on a TV reporter who “even asked Mayor Rick Gray if there was a connection” between the opening of the Marriott Hotel and the closing of the Brunswick.

He ascribes the question to a symptom of conspiracy theories and likens the question to accusations that President John Kennedy was murdered by the “CIA, Mafia, Castro, LBJ, Teamsters and Freemason.”

Two pieces of information for Adams: Kennedy was possibly murdered by one of them, and perhaps two plotting together. Maybe someday we will learn as we recently discovered that “Deep Throat” who exposed Watergate was the spokesperson for the FBI.

But more relevant to Lancaster, the reporter’s question had credulity and substance.

First of all, there is ample evidence of conniving by officials and the Lancaster Newspapers, Inc. over the years to slant, distort and withhold the news in order to generate public approval of the proposed convention center project and to punish those officials with the courage and integrity to oppose it.

When you have been deceived and manipulated again and again by the media and leaders, why wouldn’t you be suspicious?

Secondly, while we now agree that the Brunswick was closed for good reasons, that it was left open so long raises the suspicion that city officials may have delayed action until there was another venue downtown. Minimally, they appear to have been lax.

NewsLanc had builders and property managers tour the Brunswick to determine whether the closing was credible. How come the Sunday News or the Intelligencer/New Era didn’t send a reporter and a building consultant to do the same?

What is both surprising and commendable is that a Lancaster TV reporter would have had the professionalism and courage to ask the question that flashed across the minds of so many of us!



  1. With all that Marvelous Marv said, there was never a disclaimer that it didn’t happen!!!

    Maybe there is more truth to be told………unfortunately we’ll never read about it in the newspapers.

    By the way………what exactly is Ernie Schrieber doing with his expanded ‘investigative’ responsibilies????

    The morning paper is still the morning paper……..no late box scores, no out of town sports columnists.

    Hard to believe that the ‘New Era’ even exists within the same company…..maybe they should have developed a new name for the daily paper rather than the redundant double heading.

  2. Certainly it is a question to ask! Almost anyone with any knowledge of the situation had the same question, at least, occur to them. It should have been expected and answered simply and dispassionately with an open invitation to closer inspection of the actual site and its history.

    Is this not the same Marvin I. Adams that is currently being sued for an extremely credible conspiricy to defame a dedicated public servant who was, because of her moral and fudiciary responsibilities to those who elected her, at cross purposes with the financial interests of his corporation? Shakespeare had a couple of pertinent observations about such classic situations; “He protests too much” and “The plays the thing wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king”.

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