EDITORIAL: Two Projects; One Deserves Celebration

The Pennsylvania Academy of Music (PAM), was conceived by struggling artists (almost all classical musicians struggle) and largely paid for by the wealthy as a gift to the community, no strings attached.

The Convention Center / Marriott Hotel project (CC), was conceived by the very rich, will be almost entirely paid for by taxpayers, and the sponsors stand to make tens of millions, in large part through one-sided arrangements.

PAM has the potential for drawing to Lancaster hundreds of students in residence, thus generating housing, retail sales, and tourism for downtown Lancaster, and providing culture for the community.

The CC will create a black hole between Lancaster Square and the Seventh Ward, taking the place of mixed use residential development and blocking gentrification to the south. (Note: Three of the Big Five comprised Penn Square Partners while John Fry, President of the fourth, served on the Convention Center Authority Board during the period of extravagant, mindless, and possibly illegal spending.) (We suspect his not being reappointed will help salvage his career.)

Last week, three hundred wealthy people who love and gave much to Lancaster and asked for nothing in return had good reason to celebrate their accomplishment. It won’t be quite the same feeling when the CC opens in 2009.
