EDITORIAL: Then there is the ‘Lunatic Left’

Most of the damage done to the nation over the past three decades can be attributed to the lobbyists for conservative special interests. Their purpose is to further enrich the highest 400 tax payers in America who, in 2008, had annual incomes of $87 million or more as well as the 11,000 households of the top 0.01% of taxpayers with incomes of $5.5 million or more. Source: Fellowship Of Minds.  Nevertheless, much damage has been done by overzealous activists on behalf of various otherwise laudable causes such as environmental protection and assisting the disabled.

We wrote earlier this week “It used to be that engineering costs were a small fraction of the cost of land acquisition per unit. Today it is likely to equal or even far exceed land cost, adding say $25,000 to $40,000 cost per unit. There are so many environmental and other approvals required that often by the time the last one is achieved, the early ones have expired… and new regulations are in effect!”

Almost all are eager to provide assistance to the physically disabled. The Watchdog’s experience with the four hotels his company manages is that there have rarely been a simultaneous need for as many as two of the Americans with Disability Act (ADA) approved hotel rooms, although as many as six specially designed such rooms were required when built. The latest regulation now calls for a conversion of another  guest rooms to meet new ADA requirements.

Not only is this a financial burden, but most travelers are understandably adverse to staying in specially equipped ADA rooms, making them harder to rent.

Thoughtful regulations are desirable and contribute much to the health and wellbeing of the population. But there is simply too much damn muich foolishness foisted on the public by zealots and narrow special interests.

It reminds the Watchdog that he was and philosophically continues to be an Eisenhower Republican. And for those conservatives who may gloat upon hearing this admission, they should keep in mind that under Eisenhower the top income tax bracket was 91%!!!

We don’t advocate going back to that rate, but an increase from the current 35% to say 40% would suit us fine.
