EDITORIAL: “Mean spirited” vs. dispelling local myths

Those who frequent the Central Market, Penn Square and Clipper stadium may notice this Old Hound from time to time handing out newsletters.   This helps to keep  NewsLanc’s publisher in touch with public reception and views.

Recently a lady mentioned that she was not going to take a newsletter because she felt that last week’s article about the Pennsylvania Academy of Music was “mean spirited” in its treatment of prominent local contributors.  She praised their generosity and could not understand why they would be criticized.

The Watchdog reminded her that Paul Ware was chairman of the board of PAM when the decision was made to build and he continued as chair until less than a year ago, so he should share some of the blame for the debacle.  Furthermore, the lavish reported price being paid by Millersville University seems calculated to free Ware and his Ferree Foundation and, to a lesser extent the Lancaster Newspapers and the Steinman Foundations, of their large loan guarantees.   It is those who actually contributed money and taxpayers who are the big losers.

Also reported, Ware’s  Ferree Foundation is rapaciously (and some say vengefully) seizing musical instruments given by others and utilized by the school from the very hands of talented musicians as reparation of funds they may not even end up losing!  Is this not newsworthy?

Recent medical studies have shown that  the very nature of the workings of the human brain makes it difficult for us to accept new information and to change our long held views.

NewsLanc is now in its fifth year.  We believe it has been a factor in bringing accurate information to the public and has had a positive influence on the community.   The remaining ‘sacred cow’ is Lancaster General Health.   This public charity has been unresponsive to its obligation to utilize a significant portion of its huge monopolistic ‘profits’ to pursue its mission of public health and education.   (In fiscal year 2007 / 2008, LGH donated only one percent of its $113 million in net income to local charitable causes.)    Hopefully the trustees of LGH will be edified by our reports and do better in the future.

If reporting facts concerning PAM and being critical of certain aspects of LGH is “mean spirited”, we plead guilty.
