EDITORIAL: Does Glenn Beck support taxing, regulating and control of MJ?

Many assume the taxing, deregulation and control of Marijuana is a liberal cause.   Many may assume that the repeal of Prohibition was also a liberal cause.  In both cases, they are WRONG!

The future capitalist leaders of the right wing Liberty Party headed the movement to repeal Prohibition.  Today, many Libertarians and Conservative Republicans are in the forefront of efforts to tax, regulate and control marijuana.   In November, California voters will have the opportunity to vote to do just that.

In March, Glenn Beck of Fox News interviewed Andrew Rozental, former Deputy Foreign Minister of Mexico.

The Watchdog recommends the viewing of  Glenn Beck discusses the recent numbers on the drug trade between Mexico & the U.S. An estimated total of 50% of the ‘drug problem’ is Marijuana. Beck goes deeper into the matter……”
