EDITORIAL: 41% jump in health insurance costs

The Manor Group, a family of independent companies, has just received the following notification from its health insurance agent:

I hope you are sitting down to read this and I apologize that I have to give you this renewal information. The renewal came in at 41% increase.  This includes the PA Autism Insurance Ace and the Mental Health Parity & Addiction Equity Act.  Because the carriers have to comply with the new ruling of these two acts, this reflects in the increase to your renewal.”

How many more years will it take for the vast majority of the public to understand that the method for providing and funding health care we have in this country is impractical? Rather than indulging in the hubris that we in the USA do things better than other developed countries, we should kick ourselves in the butt for being so headstrong and self destructive.

Economists have established that the extra cost of health care ultimately results in an almost dollar to dollar shift of costs to employees.  In fact, it is common for companies to shrink the amount of employer contribution which either immediately shifts the financial load and causes workers to drop from the plan.

What is particularly galling is the mediocrity of the health care presently being provided, ranked way behind countries with single payer systems.

The House and Senate proposals are not the answer. A watered down Public (a.k.a. Consumer) Option won’t do the job either. Only a total reform to a Single Payer system—Medicare for everyone — will enable us to expand coverage and reduce costs so that our health care expense and quality of treatment will be in line with that of other advanced nations.


1 Comment

  1. The problem with this article is that it leads the reader to believe that the autism mandate has caused insurance rates to increase. So far from the truth.

    The autism mandate passed in PA is now being implemented. There is no concrete numbers to prove the increase.

    It is just a blame game. Have the insurance companies prove their increases like utlity companys have to do when seeking a price increase.

    check the facts again.

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