Drug War Bureaucrats will not give up their meal tickets

By Doctor Tom, MD

The emergence of solid support for “medical” use by CNN management seems all but certain, given the positions taken by Piers Morgan and Sanjay Gupta; also that the preparation for “WEED” consumed over a year. What I detect is a hanging back on some issues that betray a lingering, but undeserved, respect for some drug war sacred cows, such as the idea that juvenile initiation of all drugs should be delayed until 21.

Don’t they realize that the most troubled “kids” signal their emotional distress by trying alcohol, tobacco and pot early, often as young as 12 or thirteen and- although the kids themselves may not realize it, such early initiations are really a cry for help, as is trying mushrooms and other psychedelics as well as sampling cocaine and meth.

Trying heroin or smoking opium is another sign of distress. What my data also tells me is that so long as the DEA is liberally funded with its ridiculous mandate intact they will be a mortal enemy of all use of cannabis, whether out of honest belief in Nixon’s absurdity or plain old cynical self-interest. Bureaucrats will not give up their meal tickets in the service of truth; there’s a reason that most Law Enforcers Against Prohibition (LEAP) senior members are retired Chiefs and/or Captains with pensions intact.

The greatest weakness of the prohibition establishment is its adherence to a proven loser: criminal prohibition as policy. There are NO successes; in fact it’s such a brain dead loser that everyone who supports it should be hammered whenever possible and asked why they think it’s succeeding or even could succeed… We are not going to end the drug war until all drugs are legal; it’s a simple concept to justify and defend.

In short, the Controlled Substance Act was a disaster because it gave ignorant lawyers and judges control of a policy they didn’t (and still don’t) understand along with the authority to create a new criminal markets simply by adding new items to schedule one. Each one was a bonanza for cops and crooks alike, as well as adding new population of victims for the Gulag.

Please feel free to comment.

Tom O’Connell
