Dominique Strauss-Kahn Case Reportedly Near Collapse

EDITOR: What is the purpose of NewsLanc featuring this breaking story?  We have no way of knowing what took place,  but we do know that for a successful male his entire life can be turned upside down by a female accusing him of improper behavior, be it true, distorted,  or false.

From the HUFFPOST:

A law enforcement official tells The Associated Press that the accuser in the New York City sex assault case against a former International Monetary Fund leader has lied about circumstances surrounding the alleged attack…

The official says prosecutors believe the hotel housekeeper lied about various details on her application for asylum in the U.S., including a claim that she had been raped in her native Guinea.

The official says prosecutors also believe she lied about some of her activities in the hours surrounding the alleged attack, but they haven’t necessarily questioned her account about the incident itself…

Click here to read the full article.



  1. Now a full fledged flaming feminist is running the IMF.

    The accusation is enough!

  2. but we do know that for a successful male his entire life can be turned upside down by a female accusing him of improper behavior, be it true, distorted, or false.

    Both to you and the other Anonymous up there… what an absolutely chauvinistic attitude. Regardless of the details of this case, it isn’t just a successful male that can have his life turned upside down by a female. A successful female can have the same done to her by a male or by another female and a successful male could have it done by another male as well.

    Whatever the details are, ultimately this is not a gender issue. It’s very possibly the fact that a less successful person is getting “revenge” on a more successful one. Perhaps it’s merely an affair that didn’t go the way the “other person” felt it should go. That could happen to a man OR a woman.

    And further to anonymous about the “flaming feminist” comment. How very defamatory of you. With two words, you manage to not only insult an entire gender, but also the whole LGBT community.

    EDITOR: Of course you are right concerning the dangers that women have long faced. The purpose of the Watchdog’s comment is to point out that this can also happen to men.

    We post all comments so long as they are not unfair to individuals, patently incorrect, or in atrocious taste.

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