Does marijuana research justify use as medicine?

An L. A. Times article reported on Nov. 11, 2009: The American Medical Assn. changes its policy to promote clinical research and development of cannabis-based medicines and alternative delivery methods.” It goes on to state: “In changing its policy, the group said its goal was to clear the way to conduct clinical research, develop cannabis-based medicines and devise alternative ways to deliver the drug.”

A NewsLanc reader has noted a quotation by AMA board member Dr. Edward Langston that appeared in the article:“Despite more than 30 years of clinical research, only a small number of randomized, controlled trials have been conducted on smoked cannabis, insufficient to satisfy the current standards for a prescription drug product.”

NewsLanc brought the quote to the attention of Dr. Lester Grinspoon, a Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard, the author of “Marijuana, the Forbidden Medicine,” whose work has been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. Grinspoon approved the following observations:

“As Dr. Langston suggests, double-blind studies on marijuana would quickly resolve this controversy but the U.S. Government has done everything possible to prevent such research. The legislation establishing the National Institute on Drug Abuse, for example, specifically prohibits the agency from examining any possible positive effects of the drug. Congress felt at the time that even suggesting that marijuana might not be pure evil would send the wrong message to our children.

“A mountain of anecdotal evidence about the efficacy of this herbal medicine already exists. If scientific studies had been permitted we would be much more advanced in possible mitigation of serious conditions like Crohn’s disease, Multiple Sclerosis, migraine headaches, and extreme nausea and vomiting.

“Dr. Langston says there is no future for the herb itself, only for its isolated components, but this position has been discredited by the experience of actual patients. Some of the isolated cannabinoid compounds he speaks of are already available. With the rise of public demand for medical access to the plant in the early 1990s, the federal government tried to thwart this movement by supporting the development of Marinol, a synthetic version of the cannabinoid THC.

“While Marinol is better than nothing, I have never seen a patient who says Marinol is as effective as the whole plant. The same is true for the other synthetic pharmaceutical cannabinoids. None measure up to the gold standard of the plant itself. People use these drugs not because they are more effective but because they are legal. The pharmaceutical industry is frantically searching for synthetic compounds because the plant itself cannot be patented. It that were possible, machine-rolled cigarettes would no doubt already be available from the major drug companies.

“Dr. Langston’s concern about the safety of marijuana is without scientific foundation. Marijuana is remarkably non-toxic. There are one to two thousand fatalities a year in the U.S. from aspirin and more than 7000 from NSAIDs like ibuprophen. There has not been a single overdose death from marijuana anywhere in the world.

“Cannabis was a perfectly legal drug until 1937 and in my view when it reclaims its rightful place in the U.S. pharmacopeia it will be among the safest medications in that compendium. I believe it should be treated as an over-the-counter medication and the patient should be allowed to determine his or her own dosage.”



  1. There are many of all ages who wonder how long the “reefer madness” mentality can withstand reason and truth.

    Thanks for poking some holes in the Lancaster version.

  2. One of my favorite things about Dr.Grinspoon is his ability to rebut the inaccurate information spouted by these other so-called experts without just saying outright “BULL***T!” (because that’s surely what I’m thinking when I read their ignorant lies). He will surely go down in history for being one of the more sane, calm voices to have turned the tide on this 70+ yr war on sanity.

  3. I really hope our country turns 180 degrees with its moronic stances. We could be sitting on cures for cancer and they refuse to listen. How did [our leaders] get to such high up places by refusing to listen?

    This is criminal that they all team up to suppress information and hold up research. Politicians are not health professionals, they are LIARS.

    Why are they getting in the way? It’s reasons like this that the public doesn’t trust the government anymore.

    Editor’s comment: Most politicians play to the prejudices of the voters. Since they follow rather than lead popular opinion, they often are out of step with changing trends. It is political activists who help bring about a more enlightened public.

  4. What one sided propaganda. Marijuana is very harmful. You all are dopers.

  5. Thank you, Mr. Anonymous for your enlightened view of a subject that you apparently are uneducated about. If you don’t want cannabis to be legal then, fine, keep it illegal. And the next time some gang banger makes you mad just remember that you put the money in his pocket through your fine prohibitionist enlightenment. Keep up that drug war. You’ve been losing since it started and now you just make the wrong people very rich. Thank you for helping out.

  6. Drug addiction is truly an issue in the humanity. It will cause wrecking amongst the family group relationship and possibly creates several crimes in other point.

    The government firmly campaigns for the punishment for unlawful drug usage. And there is no end for this concern since largely of the younger age group currently is cleaving to this illegal activity.

    What might be our actions to lessen this problem? I believe you will find also several persons who are thinking likewise or just permitting what will be, will be idea.

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