LETTER: Does Convention Center boost local economy?

Lancaster Newspapers continues to promote the assertion that the convention center is creating an economic boost for county restaurants, gas stations, retail stores and other hotels….where are the facts and figures to support this assertion??? My guess is that precious little economic benefit, other than Penn Square Partner’s Marriott hotel of course, is being generated for those outlying businesses.

Can’t someone investigate and report this? Just so it is NOT Bernard Harris… or any other shill for PSP.

I’m beginning to believe that PSP has editorial approval over everything that [they] write.


1 Comment

  1. Yes, there is economic benefit to the convention center. The problem is, the benefit amounts to only a small fraction of what the integrated facility costs taxpayers. And the agreements between the PSP, LCCCA, Lancaster City, and Lancaster County guarantee that the Penn Square Partners will turn a profit no matter what.

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