Digital journalism’s financial challenge

USA TODAY: …Five years ago, [Phil] Balboni launched GlobalPost, whose mission is to help fill the gap caused by the massive retreat from international coverage by traditional news outlets. Unlike many of the journalism start-ups of recent years, GlobalPost is a business, not a non-profit…

In an unusual wrinkle, in its effort to survive and thrive, GlobalPost has turned to the world of philanthropy for help. The foreign news operation has received largess from the Ford Foundation, among others, to underwrite more ambitious reporting efforts than it could otherwise pull off…

It’s an exciting time in journalism, with one tech billionaire, eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, launching an expansive and expensive new news operation and another, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos, taking over The Washington Post. Intriguing new ventures pop up all the time. Just this week, former New York Times executive editor Bill Keller disclosed he was giving up his column at the paper to head yet another digital launch, this one focusing on the criminal justice system… (more)
