Did Sen. Pat Toomey miss a course in civics in middle school?

In a front page article “U.S. Senator Pat Toomey says debt must be reined in”, the Intelligencer Journal New Era reports:

” ’I have been adamant that before we add more spending to a level that’s already too high, we need to reform,’ the Republican said at a fundraiser here Thursday night.

“Less that 24 hours after voting against the bill that averted a default and ended the government shutdown, the Lehigh Valley senator was in town to meet with donors contributing to his 2016 re-election campaign.”

What doesn’t Toomey understand that the way you curb spending is by refraining from purchasing, not by refusing to pay the bills when they come due?

Why does Toomey advocate the continued close down of the federal government, defaultilng on the nations debt, and suspension of Social Security payments?

What doesn’t Toomey understand about the obligations that the Constitution sets for Congress?

Even if he is doesn’t understand his responsibilities, has he no common sense?

Let’s hope that voters recall his blatant ignorance and defiance come November, 2016.


1 Comment

  1. The key line is to refrain from purchasing, not refusing bills that come through!

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