Despite having multimillion-dollar budgets, intermediate units fly ‘under the radar’

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: Audits failed to catch problems at three Pennsylvania intermediate units embroiled in financial scandals since 2011, even though budgets for such organizations can exceed $100 million and spending is subject to local, state and federal reviews.

A judge sentenced one executive director in Northeastern Pennsylvania to federal prison for stealing money. Officials with the Grove City-based Midwestern Intermediate Unit IV question whether a former director spent thousands of agency dollars on herself. School districts accused an IU in Meadville of overcharging them by millions of dollars…

Auditor General Eugene DePasquale, whose office is auditing the Grove City unit, said the state’s 29 intermediate units, serving about 50,000 students, receive hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars and it’s difficult to track all their contracts… (more)
