Dershowitz to Newsmax: Obama Administration ‘Stupid’ to Charge Snowden with Espionage

NEWSMAX: “Forget about whether it’s warranted or not,” said [Harvard law professor Alan] Dershowitz in an exclusive interview on Saturday. “It’s really dumb to charge him with what might be considered to be a political offense when they’re trying to extradite him.”

In addition to being difficult for prosecutors to prove, the extradition treaty with Hong Kong “explicitly excludes political crimes and this gives them an excuse to say ‘we’re not going to turn him over to you because you’ve indicted him for a political crime,’” according to Dershowitz, who is also a Newsmax contributor.

“If they had just indicted him for theft and conversion of property — an ordinary crime — the chances of getting him extradited would have increased dramatically,” he explained. “But at this point they have really shot themselves in the foot. I don’t know why they did it.” … (more)

EDITOR: Do they want him back? They can’t kill him, it would tear the country and especially the Democrat Party apart. They may not want to try him for the same reason. Perhaps the best thing would be for Snowden to be allowed to ‘escape’ to Iceland with the understanding he will not leak any more information and remain quiet.
