Democrats want to use Gov. Corbett as Republican poster-boy

Your news service has more integrity and truthfulness and investigative pizazz than any other news organization in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Keep up the good work.

The real question now is this: Why hasn’t anyone in Washington moved against the Corbett corruption machine yet?

Two possibilities:

A) Democratic campaign strategists were salivating over the opportunity to triangulate against Corbett, to use Corbett as a poster-boy for why people in Pennsylvania and all surrounding States should vote Democratic. (If this was the idea, it worked!)

B) Hillary Clinton and her political machine in Washington (over half the Obama administration, by some accounts) wanted to groom Kathleen Kane for very high office, and to allow Kane to be the one to take down Corbett.

In either case, the Democratic kingmakers are enabling Corbett and stonewalling on his behalf, and unless Corbett is arrested this week, they run the risk of being viewed as just as guilty as Corbett himself is for his continuing path of destruction.
