Democrats overturn filibuster rule, increasing Obama’s power

FINANCIAL TIMES: …By a vote of 52 to 48, the Senate ended the use of filibusters against presidential nominees, overturning longstanding traditions in the chamber which allowed the minority party to block White House nominees.

The filibuster is a time honoured tactic in a rules obsessed chamber whereby any Senator was able to hold the floor by speaking nonstop to derail legislation or appointments.

Once used sparingly, it has become a common procedural tactic in recent years that could be deployed even without heroic 24-hour speeches… (more)

EDITOR: The filibusters and the sixty vote required for cloture (to end debate) was not envisioned by our founding fathers and is not to be found in the Constitution. It is a rule adopted by the Senate which was used sparingly and only for very important issues in the past. In recent years, especially during the Obama administration, it has become a tool of the minority to prevent the majority from being able to vote on issues.

The Republicans abused the privilege. The change in rule was the logical outcome and fair warning was given.



  1. The editor must be living in a vacuum. Just a few short years ago the Democrats, including Senators Reid and Obama, were famously decrying the very change they now embrace. Mr. Obama, in the spirit of bipartisanship, should have asked the Senate for a list of acceptable names suitable to both parties. The bad news is that in future elections the winner will rule; the minority parties’ ideas will need not be considered. This may spur more people to vote since an election outcome will be more important. Short of massive demonstrations and violence, this may be the most effective change to our republic in a long time.

  2. This President has way too much power already, he has abused it, and there should be more restraints; not more license given.

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