Democrats blast Senate GOP’s wine and beer plan

COURIER TIMES / AP: Sen. Jim Ferlo, D-Allegheny, said the plan would sap $50 million from the state treasury at a time when the government’s finances are facing a $1 billion-plus deficit. He also warned that it would hurt small businesses to benefit big businesses.

Under the plan, thousands of holders of existing liquor licenses, such as beer distributors, bars and restaurants, could begin selling wine bottles to go. Meanwhile, the plan would relax restrictions on convenience stores, grocery stores, big-box stores and supermarkets that want to begin selling wine and beer by buying an existing liquor license.

Senate Republicans, who control the chamber by a margin of 27-23, say they have crafted their plan to provide more consumer convenience. As of Tuesday, no vote was scheduled, and Senate President Pro Tempore Joe Scaranti, R-Jefferson, acknowledged that the plan did not immediately have enough support to pass the chamber… (more)

EDITOR: This is a sneak attack to destroy State Stores so that the sale of all license beverages will be privatized. When State stores no longer have a monopoly on wine sales, they will cease to be economically viable. Huge profits from State Stores now flowing into the state treasury will likely be greatly reduced or will turn into red ink.

We find State Stores to be relatively handy, well stocked and courteously attended. So what is the big deal?
