Democratic Pa. Attorney General candidates spar over prosecutorial credentials

 HARRISBURG PATRIOT-NEWS:  …In a conference call, Jon Soltz, chairman of, a political action committee that has endorsed [Patrick] Murphy, took issue with [Kathleen] Kane’s criticisms about her opponent, a former congressman from Bucks County, not having the legal or courtroom experience to be attorney general…

[Kane] said: “In fact, I have publicly thanked and applauded the congressman on multiple occasions for his valor and service to our nation. The documented fact that Congressman Murphy did not take the Pennsylvania bar exam or try a case in a Pennsylvania courtroom is a real issue and concern for the state’s voters.

“It’s unfortunate, but not unexpected that the congressman would now attempt to distract the public from questions about his qualifications to serve as the state’s top attorney by falsely claiming I am attacking his military service. Nothing could be further from the truth.” …  (more)

EDITOR:   Full disclosure.  We have already decided to support Kathleen Kane for the Democrat nomination as Attorney General.  But we just found out that her opponent has never taken the bar exam, let alone practice law here.  We need a prosecutor not a politician.
