Deleted Pennsylvania emails may number million; cover-up denied

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: Up to 1 million emails may have been deleted in 2011 and 2012 when an interim state attorney general decided his office should retain emails only six months, though officials say no cover-up of sensitive investigations spurred the deletion.

When he was attorney general, Gov. Tom Corbett required the office to keep emails for five years. The office’s former information technology director, Jim Ignalzo, said on Wednesday that his staff recommended Corbett’s successor, longtime aide William H. Ryan Jr., reduce the retention period because of storage and cost issues.

“It was a cost issue and a management issue,” said Ignalzo, 66, a state retiree in Hershey. Senior managers typically kept up to 10,000 emails each in their computers. Overall, “it could have been a million,” Ignalzo said… (more)

EDITOR: If you believe the above, we have a bridge for sale cheap from Manhattan to Brooklyn.
