Delay in publishing LGH’s President’s letter

Nine days have passed since the misleading and inaccurate post regarding Lancaster General Health appeared on your website and in print. The response from Mr. Beeman to that post, which named LG Health as your lone “target,” has been held for a week.

Legitimate media outlets promptly publish corrections. They do not hold letters to the editor for days so they can prepare a rebuttal. Our letters to the editor of the Intelligencer Journal regarding its coverage are swiftly published, in full, on its Editorial page. They allow their readers to interpret what’s written. We ask that you do the same, without delay and alteration.

Thank you.

John P. Lines
Director, Public Relations & Corporate Communications

Editor’s response: As Mr.  Lines and LGH president Tom Beeman have been advised, NewsLanc will publish Beeman’s letter along with our point by point responses upon receipt of requested data from LGH and updates from state records which are currently being researched. Hopefully this will take place by the end of this week or early next week at the latest.

Our purpose is to convince Beeman and the trustees of LGH that they should be doing more on behalf of public health and education. This is better served by enabling the Beeman and the public to read what Beeman says along side what research shows.

It has taken LGH almost two years to comment on research published in mid-2008 and available at Now that we have heard from them, we ask their indulgence for a few more days so we can properly respond.



  1. Why not let Beeman and LGH have their say? That’s what a legitimate news outlet would do. NewsLanc wants to be both advocate and reporter at the same time. Look at the hundreds of letters NewsLanc publishes containing all kinds of frivolous claims. What’s your angle, NewsLanc? Don’t pretend to be a journalist if what you’re really doing is some kind of holier-than-thou advocacy.

    Editor’s response: Please visit our “Mission Statement”

  2. Yes Mr. Lines, you apparently have a great arrangement with the Lancaster Newspapers. You advertise with them, and they print without question anything you say. Who dare challenge that model!

    Kudos to NewsLanc for not being bullied. I can’t wait to see what NewsLanc’s research shows re: LGH’s claims of support of public health and education. I suspect it will paint a sad picture of this public institution’s commitment to the most needy people in Lancaster County.

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