LETTER: “Degenerate”

Re: Have the editors no sense of decency?

The only reason this ADULT woman (19 years old at the time of her arrest) wasn’t charged with murder is that the autopsy results were inconclusive. Most infants born 27 to 29 weeks after conception survive and grow to become healthy babies, children, and adults. The fact that the medical examiner could not tell whether the baby was born alive does not excuse the callous, sickening actions of the woman. Either she deliberately killed her infant son, or did nothing to help save him; then she horribly abused his corpse, trying to flush him down the toilet and, when that didn’t work, discarding him in a trash can.

It is outrageous that someone would dismiss this woman’s monstrous behavior with the phrase, “Kids make mistakes”, and it is REVOLTING that someone would equate stealing a few bottles of liquor with the death of an infant and the abuse of his corpse.

To some people, a premature baby doesn’t deserve much more consideration than one still in utero (one you’d call a fetus, and whose death, even if it involves being torn limb from limb by surgical instruments, you no moral qualms about). Yet it is completely DEGENERATE to give tacit approval, as you are did through your comments, to disposing of a black baby as one would dispose of excrement or garbage. YOU are the ones who are racist, morally bankrupt, and without decency.


1 Comment

  1. Kudos to the writer and applause for Newslanc for publishing it.

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