Defeatism comes from working knowledge of past 15 years

I wrote comment #1 and it may be a defeatist attitude; however, I don’t know how anyone with a working knowledge of Lancaster County history over the last 15 years can honestly believe anything else.

Do you remember what John Barley did with the dump? How about John Fry and what he did with a rubber stamp, or waiver, from every regulatory agency and zero oversight.

And how about the piece de resistance…the downtown hotel and convention center. Just last month, while driving up South Queen my wife posed the question…exactly who approved the cockamamie entrance/drive to the hotel that was holding up traffic. I told her no one did.
She asked what I meant. I told her that High got a waiver from the State, who has final say in such matters, and was given Carte Blanche to do whatever the heck they wanted.

Call me defeatist if you like but the Crossings will be built and I would lay even money that sometime in the future, not only will my travels up South Queen be delayed by cars backed up into a deficient drive, but by a trolley as well.
