Cut out the Library System, not the downtown business services

An article in the Lancaster Sunday News entitled “Business services cut at Lancaster Public Library” reports:

“Library System Administrator Bill Hudson says the system’s member libraries recommended that business services be eliminated.

“Budget cuts were necessary, he says, and “without additional resources coming in, you have two choices: Don’t provide the services or make cuts elsewhere. You have hard choices.”..

“Although the Duke Street Business Center is funded by the state — costs include salaries for two part-time business reference librarians — [Joyce Sands, deputy director of the Lancaster Public Library on Duke Street] says the loss of those databases cripples the center’s ability to serve its patrons.”

Little wonder the much smaller member libraries will vote to defund the business service offered by the downtown Lancaster Public Library. Yet the downtown library serves as many visitors (about 1500 daily) as most of them put together!

NewsLanc’s position has long been either get rid of the Library System or allow the System to run all of the libraries. Other counties throughout the country do it one way or another. Observations of the mushroomed bureaucracy, incompetence, and waste of the System tells us it must be the one to go.

The irony is that, before the System was created, the downtown library used to provide many of the services required in common by all of the libraries but the smaller libraries felt they were being overcharged! Now much of the government funding goes down the System drain.



1 Comment

  1. Couldn’t CRIZ money be funneled into the public library system rather than PSP pockets????? Wouldn’t that be a better use of public moneys for the publics betterment???

    Oh…I’m sorry….That makes too much sense!!!!!

    EDITOR: It also misses much of the point of CRIZ: To funnel money into the pockets of well connected individuals.

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