Cuba’s Communist Party Approves Sweeping Changes

From AOL / AP:

HAVANA — Communist Party delegates gave their blessing to a sweeping slate of economic changes designed to breathe life and a bit of free-market spirit into Cuba’s moribund economy, and also voted in a new party leadership at a historic summit Monday.

State television announced the unanimous approval of about 300 economic proposals in a full session of the Party Congress, but it did not give details. Newscast presenters said the party’s new leadership has also been decided, without naming names….

He even proposed term limits for officials including the president – a taboo subject during the half-century in which Cuba has been ruled by either him or his brother. The goal is to create opportunities for younger politicians to get experience, Raul said…

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EDITOR: Two observations:  (1)  Look can be accomplished through ‘benign neglect.’   No wars.  Rather, as with the USSR and China, evolution.  (2) If you live long enough, you get to see (almost) everything.
