Criticism pours down as Corbett’s agenda stalls

THE EVENING SUN / AP: …Few bet he would get everything, even from a Legislature run by fellow Republicans. Many seemed to believe he would get some things, but not others.

So when it all fell apart in a stunning pileup of personalities, politics and ideology, lawmakers were ready with a long list of mistakes the Corbett administration made in trying to shepherd its agenda through an often parochial Legislature.

Corbett bit off more than he could chew, some said. He shouldn’t have set a deadline of July 1 to get everything done with the budget. His administration didn’t advocate hard enough or early enough. It was ill-prepared. Many also circled back to a persistent criticism that has dogged Corbett since he crossed the street in January 2011 from the attorney general’s office to the governor’s office: He and his administration didn’t do enough to engage and win over lawmakers… (more)
