Crimea sets date for vote on whether to join Russia

USA TODAY / AP: Crimea’s pro-Russia administration in Simferopol has announced a March 16 referendum on whether Crimea should become part of Russia. Critics fear the move is a pretext toward secession and the eventual annexation by the Russian Federation.

“This is our response to the disorder and lawlessness in Kiev,” Sergei Shuvainikov, a member of the local Crimean legislature, told the Associated Press. “We will decide our future ourselves.”

The parliament in Crimea enjoys a degree of autonomy under current Ukrainian law. Referendum voters will choose between joining Russia or remaining part of Ukraine, but with enhanced local powers… (more)

EDITOR: The date for the vote is premature but annexation with the overwhelming consent of the Crimea population may be the best solution. It also will increase the percentage of pro-Western supporters in the remaining Ukraine.
