Court strikes down Obama health insurance mandate


A federal appeals court panel struck down the centerpiece of President Obama‘s sweeping health care overhaul Friday, moving the argument over whether Americans can be required to buy health insurance a step closer to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The divided three-judge panel of the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals concluded Congress overstepped its authority when lawmakers passed the so-called individual mandate, the first such decision by a federal appeals court. It’s a stinging blow to Obama’s signature legislative achievement, as most experts agree the requirement that Americans carry health insurance — or face tax penalties — is the foundation for other parts of the law.

The 207-page opinion, written by Chief Judge Joel Dubina and Circuit Judge Frank Hull, found that lawmakers cannot require residents to “enter into contracts with private insurance companies for the purchase of an expensive product from the time they are born until the time they die.”

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EDITOR: If and when the Supreme Court upholds the Circuit Court decision, it will set the stage for the 2012 election.  Those who thwarted Obama Care may emerge successfully, or the voters may provide  a mandate to  the Democrats to bring about Medicare For All.   If so, then we will see just how bold  Barack Obama can be.
