County Library System Debuts Health Information Portal

The Library System of Lancaster County, in partnership with the 4 major local hospitals and the United Way, has launched a “Health Information Web Portal” on its website.

Susan Hauer cited a 2005 Pew Research Center internet study, saying “95 million Americans are now searching the internet for health-related information and more than 70% did not find what they needed or had a very difficult time knowing what to believe.”

This site will provide reliable, verified information, she said.

Hauer said that the goal of the project is “to promote health, wellness, and the prevention of disease in Lancaster County by providing resources that will empower county residents to make healthy choices.”

The web portal includes statistical information and information on providers and services targeted specifically to Lancaster County and the region.

“We’re so pleased to present this at the Commissioners meeting because this benefits everyone in the County,” she said.

The health portal website is It can also be accessed through the Library’s website by going to and clicking on “Health Information.”
