The County Commissioners approved the convention center bail out on Tuesday, thus placing the entire cost and responsibility for the convention center ‘white elephant’ on county tax payers.
We will await the July 4th weekend to put together our response, so that our assertions can be annotated with relevant documents and news articles.
Simply put, the sponsors and advocates got control of the the former county commissioners who tied the hands of their successors, then the LCCCA, then its board, spent $8 million in legal fees to create a juggernaut to steam role opposition, rammed through one sided agreements on behalf of the Marriott Hotel equitable owners, paid no heed to the concerns of the then county commissioners and hotel experts from the community, turned their back on 78% of the public who said they wanted no county guarantee, mislead as to cost, entered into disastrous financing, and feathered their nests at extraordinary cost to taxpayers.
We will flesh this out over the July 4th weekend while others soak up the sun (or so we hope that the weather permits.)