Counting the cost of Specter / Murtha libraries


The papers of Sen. Arlen Specter (D., Pa.) belong in a library, but this project should not rely on the wallets of state taxpayers.

Gov. Rendell stunned many state residents by revealing he had unilaterally authorized up to $10 million in state bonds to help build the Arlen Specter Library at Philadelphia University. Rendell directed millions more for a similar center honoring the late Rep. John M. Murtha in Johnstown.

Begging their pardon, but two public servants who succeeded so famously in raising campaign cash and securing pork-barrel projects ought to instead have their legacies underwritten by their supporters and the beneficiaries of their clout in Washington…

Click here to read the full article.

EDITOR’S NOTE: What is especially aggravating is the money would be taken from the already shrunken fund for statewide libraries!


1 Comment

  1. This is typical of Rendell. He’ll spend millions of taxpayer dollars on something nobody wants (to benefit his political cronies), while announcing that the Commonwealth can no longer provide the basics (like library funding and road repairs) without raising our taxes or adding new ones.

    His arrogance is matched only by his disdain for average Pennsylvania taxpayers.

    Pennsylvanians should be up in arms about this! If Rendell unilaterally authorized this bond issue, the Pennsylvania House & Senate should bilaterally condemn it and reject it.

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