Corbett’s welfare secretary leaving

PHILLY.COM: Gov. Corbett’s controversial public welfare secretary is leaving the administration, according to two sources with the knowledge of the decision…

Gary Alexander, who oversees a department charged with helping 2.1 million elderly, poor and disabled Pennsylvanians, will be leaving his $149,000 post by the end of the month…

Alexander’s department also faced sharp questions about children being dropped from Pennsylvania’s Medicaid rolls. Between August 2011 and January of last year, about 130,000 people – including 89,000 children – were dropped from Medicaid rolls, leading some advocacy groups to cry foul. The number was so high that the Obama administration stepped in, seeking detailed information to determine whether anyone had been wrongfully struck from the rolls… (more)



  1. What the Philadelphia newspaper forgot to mention.

    17% of Pennsylvanians are drawing benefits that the rest of us have to pay for. Source: US Census.

    “For the first time in history, Pennsylvania spends more on Public Welfare than Education in the General Fund Budget.

    Public welfare spending is on a financially unsustainable path in Pennsylvania.

    Since FY 2002-03, total Public Welfare spending, including federal funds to the state, rose 52%, from $17.9 billion to an estimated $27.2 billion for FY 2011-12.

    State welfare spending has grown three times faster than the rest of the state budget since FY 2002-03, reaching $10.6 billion in FY 2011-12.

    Medicaid alone consumes 31% of the total state operating budget-the second largest share of any state, according to the National Association of State Budget Officers.

    Absent reform, welfare spending will grow faster than government revenues, threatening to crowd out education and every other government program.”

    Source: Commonwealth Foundation

  2. Maybe PA assistance recipient % would be lower if idiot Corbett would focus on jobs instead of slashing everything he can get his hands on. I have no problem with my taxes going to help the disadvantaged. Only problem- Corbett and anyone like him wants my tax money in THEIR wallet-worst form of welfare.

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