Corbett’s use of outside legal counsel tops $100 million

PITTSBURGH TRIBUNE: Pennsylvania employs 498 attorneys at $46 million, but taxpayers spent $32.7 million last year on outside lawyers — and recently ponied up $2 million for private firms to handle three high-profile cases the state lost, records show…

Gov. Tom Corbett won’t appeal rulings against the voter ID law or the state’s same-sex marriage ban. And last June, U.S. District Judge Yvette Kane tossed Corbett’s lawsuit to end NCAA sanctions imposed on Penn State University as a result of the Jerry Sandusky sex abuse scandal, calling it a “Hail Mary pass.”

“The governor has a right to defend his positions, but that’s money literally flushed down the toilet,” [Auditor General Eugene DePasquale, a Democrat, ] DePasquale said…. (more)

EDITOR: More contributors for Corbett’s campaign fund?
