Corbett’s reluctance to tax drillers undermines confidence in his leadership

PATRIOT-NEWS:  Pennsylvania’s vast shale gas resources are a huge advantage for the state, but they are fast becoming political quicksand for Gov. Tom Corbett.
At the moment, he’s in danger of sinking.

Corbett remains adamant against any sort of severance tax on the Marcellus Shale drillers despite poll after poll that shows the majority of Pennsylvanians favor such a tax.People especially don’t understand why the governor refuses to enact a severance tax on the drillers — some of which are multibillion dollar corporations — at a time when he is slashing public education funding and causing some individuals’ property taxes to go up because of it.

Something doesn’t add up here, and the fact that Marcellus Shale-related companies gave nearly $1 million to Corbett’s campaign is making him appear to give gas drillers a free pass at the expense of average people…   (more)

EDITOR:  Having made a perfidious promise not to raise any taxes, Corbett finds himself damned if he does by the right wing conservatives and damned if he doesn’t by everyone else.  In short, he sold his soul to the devil to get elected.
