Corbett’s policy on gas taxes called into question

PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER:  …Corbett’s plan would produce about $510 million in additional transportation funding in the first year and $1.8 billion a year by the end of five years. The money would go to repair roads and bridges and maintain transit systems such as SEPTA.

To get the money, Corbett proposes to eliminate a cap on the “oil company franchise tax,” to allow it to rise by about 28.5 cents over five years in three installments. That increase presumably would be passed on to motorists at the pump, though state officials said gasoline dealers might absorb part of it.

At the same time, Corbett is asking for a one-cent-a-gallon reduction in the liquid fuels tax for each of the next two years. That component of the gas tax is now 12 cents per gallon, and each cent produces about $60 million a year in revenue…  (more)

EDITOR: The governor wants to increases taxes on Pennsylvanian drivers but doesn’t want to place a tax on  Marcellus Shale extractions, as do all the other states.  Marcellus Shale interests contributed millions to his campaign fund.  All most drivers can give him is their vote.   Let’s see what happens in 2014!

We recognize the need to better maintain our roads and bridges.  We don’t countenance failure to tax Marcellus Shale extraction as a political pay off.
